The literature

Literature – an art form in which the material carrier is the word imagery.

In the sphere of literature includes natural and social phenomena, a variety of social cataclysms, the spiritual life of the individual, his feelings. In its various genres of literature covers this material or the dramatic play activities, or through an epic story about the events, or the lyrical self-disclosure of the inner world of man.

Literature is divided into:

– Art

– Study

– Historical

– Scientific

– Reference

The main genres of literature are:

– Lyrics – one of the three largest genera of literature reflects life through images of various human experiences, feature lyric verse form.

– Drama – one of the three most important sorts of fiction, the plot works were written in a natural way and without the author’s speech.

– Epic – narrative literature, one of the three most important sorts of fiction includes:

– Epic – a major product of the epic genre.

– Novella – narrative prose (much less often – poetry) genre of literature, which is a small narrative form.

– The story (story) – a literary genre, which is characterized by at least a significant amount, fewer figures, life content and the breadth

– Story – epic works of small size, which differs from the novel higher prevalence and arbitrary composition.

– Roman – great narrative work of prose, sometimes in verse.

– Ballad – lyrical epic poem plot works written poems.

– Poem – plot literary work is lyrical and the epic nature of the poems.

The specificity of literature is a historical phenomenon, all the elements, and components of a literary work and literary process, all the features of literature are in constant change. Literature – live, mobile ideological and artistic system, responsive to the evolution of life. The predecessor of the literature is folklore.